Title: The Grand Opening of Final Friday Memphis
Location: Sole Lounge, 221 S. Third Street, Memphis, TN
Description: Final Friday Memphis. is the once a month transformation of the Sole Restaurant at the Westin Hotel into something greater. With special guest DJ’s, hosts, etc, Final Friday Memphis is sure to bring the fire back into nightlife in Memphis. No more the mundane stuffiness that you’ve grown accustomed to. It will feature the most beautiful women, the most handsome men, and the BEST guest DJ’s and hosts.
July 29th The Grand Opening and After party for Sade and John Legend Concert.
|| Requirements ||
Age: 23 +
Attire: Upscale venue = upscale attire. Anything less will not be permitted. Note: Please no athletic wear.
Enjoy: * Women FREE admission before 11:00 w/ RSVP
* Men FREE admission before 10:30 w/ RSVP
* Doors open at 10:00pm and goes until 3:00am
* Premium bottle service $150 ALL NIGHT.
* Multiple Areas/Booths for your Lounging/Dancing Pleasure.
* Birthday / Bachleorette / Bachelor party Specials
RSVP by emailing the FULL names of your guests to: [email protected]
***(RSVP’s Must Be Received No Later Than 3pm on Fri. July 29th)***
Table Reservations/Bottle Service/ More Info: Ken Miller 901.921.0754 | Wayne Moody 901.340.1902
**All guests are encouraged to arrive early for a premium party experience.
Start Time: 10:00 PM
Date: 2011-07-29