Are you a small business that needs assistance with public relations but not sure where to start? Do you know about public relations but hiring a firm is not quite in your budget? If so, this seminar may be what you need. Mid-South PR Firm diPR Agency will host “diy for Small Business Owners” on Monday, January 30, 2012 from 6p-8p.


Danielle Inez, senior brand manager of the diPR Agency, will take new and rising business professionals through a crash course in public relations. During the seminar, attendees will learn how to identify your TRUE target market, how to capitalize on free publicity channels, and how to win over the media with realistic tactics.

The seminar will address small business operators’ needs, pinpoint the numerous aspects of public relations that can be handled in-house, and Inez will introduce ideas that can be enforced by owners, managers, receptionists, and, sometimes, even interns.

The seminar is approximately 100 minutes with a 20 minute Q&A. Course outline + notebook provided. (Plus, a few goodies from some of the diPR Agency’s clients and friends.)

General Registration is $30.00; student observation is $10.00. Location will be provided in registration receipt.

To learn more about the seminar and to purchase tickets, click here (enter promo code ndloop to get $10.00 off at checkout).

To learn more about diPR Agency, click here.