
Time to make plans to dine! Here’s your first peek at the 2014 November 16 – 22 Downtown Dining Week! Participating restaurants will be offering 3-course and special dinners for $20.14 and lunch specials for $10.14!

Here’s your chance to try some of my favorite downtown restaurants for a discounted rate.

The 2014 Restaurants are:

Aldo’s Pizza Pies (100 S. Main St.): Dinner

The Arcade Restaurant: Lunch

– Automatic Slim’s (83 S. Second): Dinner

– Bangkok Alley (121 Union Ave.): Dinner

– Bardog Tavern (73 Monroe): Lunch and Dinner

– Bluefin (135 South Main): Dinner

Cafe Pontotoc (314 S. Main St.): Dinner

Central BBQ(147 E. Butler) Lunch and Dinner

– City Market (66 S. Main St.): Lunch and Dinner

– Double J Smokehouse (124 G.E. Patterson): Dinner

DeJavu (51 S. Main St.) TBD

– Eighty3 (83 Madison Ave.): Lunch and Dinner

Evelyn & Olive: (630 Madison Ave.): Dinner

– Felicia Suzanne’s (80 Monroe): TBD

Front Street Deli: L(77 S. Front Street): Lunch

– Grawemeyer’s (520 S. Main St.): Lunch and Dinner

The Green Beetle: (325 S. Main St.): Lunch and Dinner

– Itta Bena (145 S. Second): Dinner

– Kooky Canuck (97 S. Second): Lunch and Dinner

– Local Gastropub (95 S. Main St.): TBD

– Majestic Grille (145 S. Main St.): TBD

– McEwens (120 Monroe): Dinner

– Paulette’s (50 Harbor Town): Dinner

– Rendezvous (52 S. Second St.): TBD

– Rizzo’s Diner (106 G.E. Patterson): TBD

Silly Goose Lounge: (100 Peabody Place): Dinner

– South of Beale (361 S. Main): Dinner

– Trolley Stop Market (704 Madison): Lunch and Dinner

– Tug’s (51 Harbortown): Dinner

For more info about food menus check out Downtown Dining Week.